Nurture your relationship with your child and increase your bonding through the language of touch and the gift of relaxation. During this class you will experience the benefits of massage for your infant or child and for yourself. Through supervised hands-on practice and instructor demonstration you will learn the incredible benefits of infant/child massage and how to provide a basic full-body massage. You will experience the increased connection, joy, and relaxation that the regular practice of infant/child massage can bring to your family.
Infant/child massage
is a wonderful way to enhance bonding between parents and babies/children. It has been shown to improve Colic, help sooth irritable infants, improve infant/child sleep patterns, help organize and calm infant/child central nervous systems, improve infant/child digestion, and induce relaxation in both parent and infant/child. I have also found it to be an especially wonderful way for new fathers to spend quiet time with their babies.
Infant & Child Massage Benefits
1) Organize and calm the baby/child central nervous system
2) Facilitate the development and functioning of the baby/child respiratory and digestive systems
3) Stimulate brain development
4) Facilitate muscle tone, development, and coordination
5) Induce deeper more restful sleep
6) Improve circulation
7) Enhance immune system functioning for both baby/child and parent
8) Increase bonding and attachment between baby/child and parent
9) Induce relaxation for both baby/child and parent
Massage For Children With Special Needs
or Developmental Disabilities
I provide therapeutic massage as well as teach parents how to massage their special needs child. Massage can assist with Tactile Defensiveness, Sensory Integration Challenges, High or Low Muscle Tone due to Cerebral Palsy and many of the other physical and emotional challenges experienced by these children and their families.